how Electricity works?


Electricity is a basic part of everyday life and comes fromthe movement of matter through a force called electromagnetism. This energy isconverted into electrical energy which we use to power our homes and businesses. In the past, people have found interesting uses for electricity. For example, Benjamin Franklin was famous for flying a kite during a lightning storm to prove that lightning is nothing more than electricity. But what exactly is electricity? In this book, you will learn all about this little understood natural phenomenon. 

Have you ever tried to understand what electricity is or howit works? This infographic provides an overview of electricity, and is notmeant to be comprehensive. It focuses on a few major concepts related to electricity and basic electrical circuits. 

Electricity is the movement and force of charged particles.Electricity allows our devices to run seamlessly, it powers a light bulb andprotects us from lightning strikes. Electricity is mysterious and exciting, interesting and useful, harmful but beneficial. Electricity is a form of energy that is created by the movement of charged particles. This movement creates an electric current that can be harnessed to power appliances, cars and more. 

Electricity. It's all around us, every day of our lives.That's because a certain fraction of the matter in the universe has an oddquality: it tends to move on its own, without being pushed or pulled. This "moving-on-itself" tendency is called electricity. Electricity is the branch of physics involving the study of charges, currents and the fundamental interaction with electromagnetic fields. It is one of >the most widely used forms of energy within technology. The production and use of electricity is often associated with problems due to the presence of static discharge. This can be mitigated by the use of ground mats or charge dissipaters, although these reduce efficiency.